Let’s briefly go into this guy’s name, 刘希愿 (Liú Xīyuàn).

刘 (Liú): Destroy or kill—archaic meaning, nowadays it’s used only as a last name. (To pronounce, try to say ‘Leo’ as one syllable with a rising tone.)
希 (Xī): First character of 希望 (Xīwàng), which means ‘hope,’ ‘wish,’ or ‘expect.’ (To pronounce, say ‘she’ with an even tone, except the ‘sh’ is softer. I don’t know how to describe it other than softer.)
愿 (Yuàn): First character of 愿望 (Yuànwàng), which means ‘wish’ or ‘desire.’ (To pronounce, try to say ‘U.N.’ as one syllable with a falling tone. Many speakers gloss over the terminal ‘n,’ so his nickname is p. much a triphthong.)

So you could interpret his first name as ‘wish’ and his full name as ‘destroy wish.’ As in, “hey mom and dad, if your primary expectation for me is to have kids, this is not going to end well.”

If CT had been planned in advance rather than emergent, I’d give him the last name (Fēng), meaning ‘wind,’ which would be way more appropriate. I’m also not fond of Shu’s first syllable—I don’t know enough about Chinese poetry or history to come up with something ironically refined for him, but anyone who helps retcon this dude’s name will certainly earn their leaf.

(Fun game: We’re going to flash back to Yuan’s early boarding-school years—want to guess how many times he got Hank Tina’d before someone named him David?)